As a result of our search for excellence in construction, the strategic alliance between the prestigious South Korean firm CHOKWANG PAINT and IBGROUP GLOBAL TRADING was born to apply in equal parts, all the color and safety that your industry or project needs, with the highest quality in the industrial paint and coating sector, in such diverse business areas as:
Architectural / Structural
Waterproof floors & roof deck
Heavy duty
Powder coating
Plastic paint
Automobile industry
LED / UV / EV industries
Electrical and electronic materials
Adhesive & sealants industry
Energy saving
CHOKWANG PAINT has been synonymous with the best quality "Made in Korea" over 70 years, in which it has not stopped innovating through its own R + D + i Department (Research + Development + innovation), with more than 18,000 references to its own, being a recognized “Eco-friendly” company.
IBGROUP GLOBAL TRADING is synonymous with the most extensive international Import & Export Platform, added to a solid domain in the management of financial instruments that now make possible to bring the best quality of industrial paint and coating throughout the world.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to distribute (or enter partnership) the best quality in industrial paint and coating in your country or region, and we will answer you in less than 24 hours.